Events of Black Houston
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Welcome To Events of Black Houston
This site is dedicated to Serving the Black community of Houston, Texas. It is Our honor and pleasure to keep the Black community informed and aware of all the positive events that are taking place within our wonderful city!

The Importance can not be expressed enough for Black Houstonians to take pride in our people,community and heritage, so that we may pass our wisdom and values on to the next generation to come. We must show love and support for one another!
Our Mission
To help get the 411 or word out about our black sponsored businesses and events that service as positives in our community! To serve as an informative source in the community. There are so many events going on in this city that do not use the Media(TV, Radio or Billboards), and we would hate for you to miss something good that could help enlighten your life. It is Our goal to bring the Black community together as a Village so that we can show our strength and support of one another!
Please Bare with US!!!!
Events Of Black Houston will soon be undergoing some major changes in-order to better the site for Our Viewers!

May GOD Bless America and be with us all!

Sincerely, Sheldon B. Williams

Our Prayer
Heavenly FATHER, We stand before Thee humble as can be, as we ask that your grace and mercy be upon our people. That through you Dear LORD, we may all find peace, love, happiness, togetherness, strength and support for one another. We ask that you bless our families, churches, communities, schools and businesses so that we as a people may grow stronger in your word and as a whole. We are very grateful for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon us Father. We ask that you continue to guide us as we make our journey to be faithful Saints and better people in our community. In Jesus Christ Name We Pray.

Verse of the Week
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

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Do your part and be a Great Black Leader.
All great changes started with an Ideal! No matter how small you may think your positive ideal is, act upon it and do something to make it a reality.

Events of black Houston

Please Sign Our Guest Book!

This Page was last updated on 04/29/03